Being Southern is more than where I am from, it is who I am. I love the South with its great beauty and wonderful deep-south traditions. I am Bev Allen, a true Southern Belle;. I am married to the love of my life Rick Allen. We lived and raised our two children, Chris Allen and Teresa Mosley (married to Randy) in the Great Southern states. Family is important and my grandson Lane, our most precious treasure. We love God and people and devoted our lives in His service. This blog is to share a little of what I enjoy and experienced, a little Southern Joy!
Spring rains reminds me of a saying, "it came a gully washer." Being from the South, this phrase comes naturally for me to say, yet I forget, there are those who have no idea what I am saying or what it means. A "gully washer" is a Southern term for a extremely heavy rainfall that causes ditches or "gullies" to overflow, creating flash floods, a washing out of small gullies in freshly plowed ground, a gush of water. So the next time you hear a flash flood warning over the weather radio, you can say, "They say the rain's movin' in, from the looks of it, I'd say it's gonna be a real gullywasher" Enjoy!
I was raised on the Arkansas River Bottoms. I can remember one of the things my Dad enjoying doing, was grab fishing catfish. When the overflow waters receded from the farmlands on the river side of the levy, this would create pockets of muddy low waters. Dad was one of the best at this. He just wade in the muddy waters, stick his hands down deep into the blackness, and come up with a huge catfish. Many of catfish would met it's end in the pockets of black backwaters.
On a good season, Dad would catch a barrel full of catfish. He would bring them back and put them in fresh water for a day to cleanse the mud out of them, and then it was time for a family outdoor fish fry!! Most everyone in the family loved these events. I never required a taste for catfish, and I believe that is why I can't stand the smell of fish today.