Just lean way back, stretch out the legs and sip on a pint jar of cold ice tea. Now, that's the LIFE.
It is not known, who exactly invented the rocking chair, but most historian believe it was Benjamin Franklin. What is known, it originated in North America in the early 18th century. While a chair is a steady perch, the rocking chair offered a sense of pleasure. The steady back and forth of the rocker has calmed many crying and sleepy infants, and has served as a calming effect on adults.
Down South, you can hardly find a porch that does not have a swing or rocking chair. One of the best known rocker filled porches, is "The Cracker Barrel Restaurant." You can rock as you wait to eat or you can just sit and rock a spell.

The famous painting of a symbol of porch rocking is that of Mark Twain sitting on his porch. I can only image the stories that he is dreaming up as he sits and
Summer time is here, and many of us are enjoying lazy evenings sitting and rocking on our porches.
Rock a while...........it will do you wonders!!!!!